Shkelzen maliqi biography for kids

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Shkëlzen Maliqi (born 26 October ) is a Kosovar philosopher, art critic, political analyst and intellectual.

shkelzen maliqi biography for kids

Shkelzen maliqi biography for kids

Shklzen Maliqi (born in Rahovec, Kosova) is a Kosovo Albanian philosopher, art critic, political analyst and intellectual.

Shkelzen maliqi biography for kids in urdu

Shkëlzen Maliqi rođen u Prizrenu, studirao je filozofiju u Beogradu, gdje je šesnaest godina živio i radio, sudjelovao u studentskoj pobuni (koja se i u Beogradu bilježe pod Missing: kids.

Shkelzen maliqi biography for kids youtube
Shkëlzen Maliqi (born 26 October ) is a Kosovar philosopher, art critic, political analyst and intellectual.