Kallen pokkudan books to read
Kallen pokkudan books to read 1
Pokkudan had only basic literacy but he published several books, with assistance from others, including two autobiographical works, Ente Jeevitham (My Life) and Kandalkkadukalkkidayil Ente Jeevitham (My Life Among the Mangrove Forests).
Kallen pokkudan books to read
Therefore, Kallen Pokkudan’s Kandalk kadukalk kidayile Ente Jeevitham can be taken as an activist’s auto-ethnographical writing that documents the fragmented lived experiences of the .
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It attempts to read through two different autobiographies of Kallen Pokkudan: Kandalka dukalkkidayil Ente Jeevitam and Ente Jeevitam.